A brief list of instances where Sushi Junction has been featured in the Press and other media.
- Renowned Food Critic Ms Marryam H Reshii had to say about Sushi Junction. (website)
- Pawan Soni, founder of Indian Food Freak and well known food reviewer posted a review about Sushi Junction on the Paperblog.
朗報です!!!グルガオン最大の食のアワード、「Big F Award」のBest Online Food Delivery部門で、審査員賞を受賞しました!!!
Sushi Junction was awarded the Jury Choice Award for, "Best Online Food Delivery Model" by the Gurgaon Food Freak community at The Big F Awards | Gurgaon 2016 ( - Sushi Junction was featured by Japanese TV Channel BS1 on the rise of Japanese cuisine in India. It was broadcast on Japan's largest TV Network, NHK World.
- Sushi Junction's "Sushi Cake" featured on Little Black Book Delhi
- Here's what Mr Ranojoy Mukerji wrote about Sushi Junction in his article titled, "Reinventing Gastronomy" published in the DLF High 5 Magazine.